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Creating an Energetic and Dynamic Space with Ease

For my whole life, when people would come to my homes they would always kind of go crazy over how great my home looked and felt. I just thought they really liked me! However, as time went on, I realized it had something to do with the way I arranged and decorated my space: the colors, texture and depth of my space. One of things I have always done with my spaces is create a space in which I feel totally safe and “at home.”

As time has passed, my design tastes have changed as I have evolved and expanded; so has my idea of what fit me and how I create my spaces. When you are creating a new space, make sure to really get in touch with how you feel and see what you truly want in your space. Set an intention for your space, and then create your designs around this intention, whether it is your home, business, art studio, garage, front and or back yard, etc. It is all very important, and people will feel it and be drawn to you and your space no matter what you have created, as long as you have made your decisions based on what you intend for your space.

When I design a space, I always sit in the space for a while to get the feeling of what I am creating within the confines of the walls, yard, studio, etc. Then I start to visualize how all of my pieces—current furnishings as well as new pieces—would work in the room I am designing. I generally do a sketch of the room, approximating the shape and the scale. Then I take a small piece of paper furniture and start creating many possible ways to design the room. This helps people understand and use logic to create and match what you intend.

After focusing on my art and design practice for years, I can now visualize the room furnished without that process, but I would recommend it as a practice for people who aren’t as familiar with design and energy. That is why people hire me to help create their spaces for them, as I have focused on this process for years.

Once you have designed the space with your main pieces of furniture, then you start to determine what colors you will be using. Think about which are the best colors for you, your family, your business, or whatever you are intending for your new space. These colors will help you shape and create a beautiful space that will support you and your intentions. It does not matter what colors you choose as long as they make you feel joyful, relaxed, at peace and successful in your new space.

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